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Ballot Issues Handbook – Campaigns 101: The Nuts and Bolts
Designed to assist libraries with tax levy elections, the Ballot Issues Handbook defines the differences between an operating levy and a bond issue and gives instructions for calculating millage. Procedures and timelines are given for filing all appropriate documents. Suggested campaign strategies include separate sections for the library, the board, and library personnel and the citizen campaign committee.
Member: $30.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Members: $45.00

Friends Across Ohio
An excellent resource for organizing and maintaining Friends groups. Written by and for Ohio library Friends, Friends Across Ohio details how to organize a group; the development of a constitution and by-laws (with samples); relationship between the Friends, the library director, and the library board; how to handle tax issues; and a variety of suggestions for raising funds. Includes a bibliography and suggested resources.
Member: $15.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Member: $30.00

Ohio Public Library Accounting Handbook – Fifth Edition
The fifth edition of the Ohio Public Library Accounting Handbook was developed and revised by the OLC’s Library Accounting Division to assist library fiscal officers with their responsibilities, which include the latest regulations and policies that could potentially impact library finances. The latest edition includes important changes in library funding.
Member: $30.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Member: $45.00

Ohio Public Library Administrator’s Handbook – Fifth Edition
The fifth edition of the Ohio Public Library Administrator’s Handbook was developed and revised by the OLC’s Management and Administration Division to assist library administrators with virtually every aspect of library management — organizational administration, personnel management, library funding, financial management, community relations and services, library law, and building management. Includes valuable checklists and samples.
Member: $50.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Member: $80.00

Ohio Public Library Trustees’ Handbook – Fourth Edition
A must for new trustees and for library boards struggling with their role and responsibilities. The Ohio Public Library Trustees’ Handbook includes background on the role of the public library trustee and sections on board organization and operations, managing money, staffing, planning and evaluation, public relations, professional associations and continuing education, legalities, and building and renovation. A bibliography and extensive appendices provide forms and further depth to the handbook.
Member: $20.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Member: $30.00

Standards for Public Library Service in Ohio
Standards for Public Library Service in Ohio defines a basic level of library service and give Ohio libraries of all sizes a tool to assess their strengths, identify areas for improvement, plan for and deliver service, and set goals and objectives for improving public library service. Minor changes have been made, but this edition continues to focus on service standards in five core areas: Governance, Resources, Dissemination of Resources, Cooperation, and Communications.
Some standards have been revised to reflect increased demands for and capabilities of new information technologies, developments such as statewide resource sharing, and increased public expectations for both traditional and new library services.
Additionally, a checklist has been added to help libraries evaluate their level of compliance with each standard as well as develop a plan for improving compliance.
Member: $15.00 for print or free digital download in the Member Info Hub
Non-Member: $30.00